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Logan's enjoying his favorite bubbly water soda and keeping Ben company while he cooks up another amazing concoction in the kitchen. Napoleon races into the living room to hang out with his pals, Snug and Lula, and to watch the family hang lights, light candles and decorate the tree. Lina…

Step 1: On the day after Thanksgiving, wake up, sigh deeply, then make a sketch or two Step 2: Paint the image on the linoleum block Step 3: Carve and carve and carve some more Step 4: Ink it, spot the errors, fix 'em, then ink again Step 5: Print…

Ichabod Crane the Fourth rode into the neighborhood, parked his bike under a shuttered window and followed the sound of a rockin’ beat into a nearby bar known as Louis’ Place. Never to be seen again? Naw, he just stayed for the first set and then went prowling around the…